- Over at Network Janitor, Kurt Bales has a fantastic blog post on the “py-junos-eznc” Python library. It uses NETCONF for communication. Not everything out there uses REST APIs it seems…
- Speaking of programming, Cisco have announced their GitHub repo for the new Nexus 9k series. Well worth the look and I look forward to seeing it build out over time.
- Still at Cisco, the “Data Center and Cloud” blog has a post on Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM). Could be interesting.
- Over at the Cisco Security blog there is an interesting post on “Operational Security Intelligence“. There is a veritable gold mine of information in your logs, think about DNS queries alone!
- Over at LoveMyTool there is a post on ActionPacked Networks’ LiveAction tool. I’ve never used it but I’ve seen it at places like Cisco Live! and it looks like it could be quite handy in large networks.