• While it is all fun and games to laugh at Azure going down taking a whole bunch of public Microsoft websites with it, it also serves as a timely reminder that the “cloud” isn’t some magical beast that has 100% uptime just because there are lots of data centres scattered across the world. Monitoring your off premise availability is just as important as monitoring on premise. Perhaps this is the “Kondratiev wave” of IT, marketing convinces people that the new shiny doesn’t need any of the old ways, tech gets implemented to the suffering of the users/business, new shiny gets operationalised enough for the “old ways” to be implemented again. Such is life I guess.


  • Continuing on a theme, Greg Ferro has posted his thoughts on clouds and his belief that private clouds are the future. This is something I fully agree with. There are use cases for public clouds (think Netflix) but if you are an enterprise IT shop do you really want to be putting your fate in the hands of a third party? Greg’s comparison with outsourcing is apt, because that is exactly what the rush for public clouds is.




  • Good news for those of you with single ESXi host requirements, most of the limitations have been removed. One important limitation that still exists is the API is locked until you buy a licensed version. I’m guessing this was a response to Hyper-V/KVM but I would have just bought one of the bundles to get all the great additional features. It isn’t exactly super expensive for the base bundles.