- For those of you who require some kind of Microsoft guidance to make a decision I have a gift for you. Microsoft recommend not using RC4 and SHA-1. Honestly in this day and age if you are using RC4 I would be very worried.
- Over at TechNet Magazine there is a (semi) interesting post on not touching things that shouldn’t be touched, e.g magic registry keys. Honestly I found it a bit long winded and would have preferred some technical examples but the general idea is there and one I support. Most software comes with sane defaults these days, going around and changing random things may not be a good idea.
- Another one at TechNet Magazine, this time on resource management in cloud computing. If you work in “the cloud” it should provide some thinking material.
- Last one from TechNet Magazine, I promise!, is on the security model of Active Directory. I think this will be another one you are going to want to keep around if you need to think about AD delegations in your job.
- And because this post will go out on Friday it is time for a laugh! This will be a blast from the past for those of you old enough and a funny joke to you young ones, Screensaver Tip Reduces CPU Cycle Waste. Yes this is real and yes some screen savers kill your CPU. This is still valid despite its age, it is why you should disable the screensaver in VDI environments. Ah for the good old days where the fix was to disable the screensaver, well, maybe not good.