• Scott Lowe has a great blog series on NSX (was NVP when it was Nicira) that I believe is a must read. Don’t worry about skipping ahead to part 7, it has links back to the previous articles.


  • I have to admit that when NSX was talked about at VMworld the marketing message put me offside, the belief that decades of evolving network “art” should be thrown out the window because a single company said so looked pretty delusional. Thankfully the strength of the product and some blog posts by credible networking professionals allowed me to see through the marketing fog to see the “next generation” product that NSX really is. With that in mind Paul Fries talks about the alienation of networking that I believe is purely a function of poor marketing. I would like to differ on one point however, the networking industry has been in a constant state of change for a long time, it just doesn’t come in a 2.0 release nor for the whole industry at once.



  • If you are up for a bit of listening that I would highly recommend the Packet Pushers NSX sponsored podcast. They have Scott Lowe and Brad Hedlund on so you know it is going to be great. There is even a companion PDF!